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Get your Babysitting Career started for tweens and teens ages 11-16 years old. New virtual babysitting tips included.
Self-directed Powerpoint program with videos and downloadable student workbook. Safety Basics has created and taught Babysitting classes for 11 years in the St. Louis community and now offering as a online class.
Learn about Safety and Accident prevention.
Learn baby care skills and about children's ages and stages. You may want to have a baby doll, diaper, bottle, & receiving or swaddle blankets to pratice holding, changing, feeding and swaddling a baby
Get ideas for keeping the kids entertained.
Get prepared to handle minor injuries and emergencies while on the job.
Successfully complete & submit the quiz and receive a completion certificate.
Babysitting Basics Online Course

Course Payment: $42
Debit and Credit Card Payments accepted thru Square or PayPal