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Child Passenger Safety

Car Seat Safety
We offer in person car seat checks by appointment or, we can provide a 30 minute virtual session via Facetime or Zoom meeting for $35. If more time is needed, each additional 30 minutes of consultation will be $15. We can also provide a phone consult for 15 minutes with email information for $15 . Please call our office at
Safety Basic's car seat fitting station will be closed
Jan 6th-Jan 22nd, 2025

Schedule an appointment at our
mobile car seat fitting station:
Serving the metro St. Louis area
Expecting a baby or New Parents
Expecting a baby or new parents
Have a premature baby that will be discharged from the hospital soon
Grandparents transporting grand-kids or nanny or au pair who transports children
Never had your child's car seat checked
Your child has outgrown their current car seat
Purchase of a new child car seat
Unsure if your child is ready for or needs a booster seat
Purchase of a new motor vehicle
Moved your car seat and can't get it installed correctly again
Debbie McCabe RN, BSN, certified Child Passenger Safety Technician/Instructor will provide personalized attention while checking your child's car seat. The car seat appointment includes checking your child's car seat for recalls, examining for proper installation or assisting with new installation, making any needed corrections, and demonstration of how to fit your baby or child into the seat properly with hands on practice. My goal is to explain and teach you how to install and use your child passenger seat correctly and have you practice these skills so your baby or child can travel as safely as possible. Each car seat check takes approximately 30 minutes.
One Car Seat $35
(same day appointment $50)
Facetime or Zoom virtual appointment: $35/30 minute consult
(Our tech talks your thru how to install and use your car seat. It is recommended to have 2 people, one person to hold the video camera)
Travel to your home or business in St. Louis County or City/one car seat $75
Each Additional Car Seat $15
Each Additional Motor Vehicle $15
Booster Seat $15 (with other car seats $10)
Car Seat Safety Checks can be scheduled at Kirkwood Park 111 S. Geyer Rd, Kirkwood MO 63122, or at your home or business in St Louis City or County.
Mileage/travel fees may apply depending on location.
Appointments available Mon-Friday.
call our office at 314-403-2311 or use our contact form.
We will not schedule in person appointments on days where the temperature is below 20 degrees or over 95 degrees.
Helpful info:
NHTSA's Car Seat and Booster Seats page-includes car seat finder to find and compare seats
Most new booster seats earn Insurance Institute for Highway Safety rating 1/24/24. Click on image for more info.
Car Seat Safety Checks
National Child Passenger Safety Certification Program
Children on Board
Car Seat Basics and Children in Hot Cars
National Child Passenger Safety Certification Program
This program provides the basic knowledge and technical skills for the correct use and installation of car seats, booster seats, and seat belts necessary to conduct safety inspections at car seat fitting stations and community education. Participants will be certified as Child Passenger Safety Technicians upon successfully completing all course requirements. This is a 3-4 day classroom course with lecture, demonstration, practice of skills in motor vehicles, quizzes, and skills exercises. Final day is participation in a car seat safety check up event. Can be offered at your organization, Minimum group size is 5. National registration fee of $95/person and local fees based on group size. Call our office for more information at 314-403-2311or submit a contact form.

Child passenger safety overview for parents and caregivers transporting children from birth through 8 years of age. Selecting, using and installing car safety seats for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school age children will be discussed as well as current MO laws. Can be offered as a 30-40 minute overview in person or virtual meeting for parent groups and more in depth for 2 hours for case workers or children's organizations. Fees based on group size and location. Contact us for more information. at 314-403-2311. or submit a contact form.
Car Seat Basics&
Children In Hot Carsfor parents and caregivers
Car Seat Basics: Free online training from the National Child Passenger Safety Board: Keep children safe in cars as they grow by completing all or specific modules on rear-facing and forward-facing car seat use, as well as booster seat and seat belt use. You create an account for this training which is geared for parents and caregivers. Register at: Use code CSB-Gen
Children in Hot Cars:
Learn the three primary circumstances that have led to children dying in hot cars and what we can do to prevent these deaths. This free e-learning course, created by the National Safety Council, takes about 15 minutes to complete. A certificate of completion is provided at the end of the training.
You are required to create an account to take this course:
Enter your name, email address and password
Add this referral code: CSB-Gen
Names, email addresses and info. are collected for tracking purposes only – you will NOT receive follow-up emails; you will be asked to download your own course completion certificate
Children on Board
Rear Facing

Forward Facing

Booster Seat

Seat Belt